I’m excited to share with everyone that the State of CSS survey for 2023 has gone live! Yes, it is slightly earlier in the year than last year’s iteration, but given the number of CSS features that have shipped in the meantime, we’d love to see if and how folks are using them. Or at least, help bring awareness of them to the broader web developer community.
Most of the properties from last year are back, but we did add 5 more, updated 2 and removed will-change
given that it had been widely supported since 2016 and color-contrast()
which seemed a little too premature for now.
A lot of the work Sacha Greif has been doing was on the backend, to improve the architecture and overall stability of the platform such that folks will have a smoother participation experience.
We know that the survey does cover quite a bit of ground, and wanted to improve the UX by adding more obvious progress indicators, and your progress is now saved every time you proceed to the next page on the survey.
Keeping in line with the focus from last year’s survey to reach a broader range of developers, we are also putting in more effort on outreach. Our survey is for anybody who writes CSS, whether regularly or occasionally, as part of their job, as a student, or just for fun. And so we are working harder to reach groups and communities beyond “typical” developer platforms like Twitter or Stack Overflow.
This is a completely open-source project and we welcome any contributions, be it bug reports, feedback and even help with translations.
The State of CSS survey is now in its 5th iteration, and we have tweaked and changed things based on feedback every year. Hopefully, we can continue to improve moving forward. Please take the survey if you haven’t yet, and share it to the folks around you who write CSS as well!