The one with lots of poultry

Most of the projects I worked on in 2015 were either Facebook applications (yes, somehow those are still being made) or based on …

Drupal 101: Setting up basic i18n

One of the best things about Drupal is its robust multilingual support. If you need to build a website that supports multiple …

Drupal 101: Improving the content authoring experience

Episode 101 of Jen Simmons’ wonderful podcast The Web Ahead featured content strategist Eileen Webb. Good stuff from start …

Drupal 101: Theming Drupal 7 with gulp

Update: There’s a newer post that covers the gulp setup for theming Drupal 8 which highlights a few changes from this post. …

Drupal 101: Getting started with Drupal 7 theming

Update: I finally got around to writing that Drupal 8 theming post after two years.

With Drupal 8 just around the corner, it may …

Drupal 101: Starting Drupal development

I recently moved from an agency specialising in building Drupal sites to one which is platform-agnostic, and uses all variety of …

The one in many languages

I’ve always heard that Drupal did multi-language well, but you know when you hear about something and think, I know of it, …

Developing Drupal sites as a team

A lot of people, myself included, start out with Drupal on their own, developing and building everything as a one-person …

Drupal 101: Creating an iTunes podcast feed

Podcast listenership has been steadily increasing in recent years, and some are even predicting that we’re on the verge of a …

The one on the tightest of deadlines

I feel large-scale projects are like play-off games. You can’t expect to win without adequate preparation. You need to scout …

The one built from 128 pictures of cakes

I have a habit of saying yes to requests before I realise I have never done said request before. I acknowledge that this is not an …

The one where I grok jQuery

My next assignment was actually with the very first client I ever worked with. Repeat client! This time, the task was to revamp …

Drupal 101: Customising field markup with Display Suite

A minor complaint I often have about Drupal is the mess of markup it generates. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when all …

Drupal 101: An alternative method for accordions

Accordions are commonly used graphical control element. The Yahoo Design Pattern Library has a good explanation on the purpose of …

Drupal 101: Mapping with Leaflet and IP Geolocation

Store locators are a useful functionality for businesses who have multiple outlets. Drupal has a number of map rendering modules …

The one without sleep

So I recently participated in my first ever hackathon over the weekend of March 28. Battlehack Singapore to be exact (oddly, there …

542 days as a Drupal developer

I’ve just listened to the latest episode of the Modules Unraveled podcast by Bryan Lewis, which talked about The current job …

The one where people get a say

As awesome as Drupal is, you may be surprised to find that over in my part of the world, there are still people who are in the …

Drupal 101: Creating custom content with Panels

If you ever find yourself needing to create a static page in Drupal, perhaps for a temporary landing page or an under-construction …

The one with many iterations

The third project I worked on was a website for the Redemption Hill Church. The church’s site started out as a HTML site, but as …

Drupal 101: What I learnt from hours of troubleshooting Feeds

Feeds is a very useful module when it comes to importing content into your Drupal site. However, it’s not very forgiving, in …

Drupal 101: Basic site optimisations

It has been statistically proven that nobody likes a slow website. We have all moved on from the days when you’d patiently …

Drupal 101: A simple image carousel

The first Drupal 7 project I worked on had to have an image carousel with one of those dot pagers on its homepage. I may have been …

Drupal 101: Introduction to views

Views is an extremely popular Drupal module. As of time of writing, it has been downloaded 6,294,998 times and reported to be used …

The one where I learn responsive

The Pixel Onion website was a project that had languished in a corner for months. The team had been swamped with client project …

Drupal 101: Content types

Content types are just a means of providing more structure to the data being used on your website. Drupal 7 comes by default with …

The one I cut my teeth on

My next assignment was to build a new website for the Singapore Gastric Cancer Consortium. Their original site was static HTML …

The one that came first

My first assignment as a web developer was to style the theme for the Temple University in Singapore website. The original site …