Chill day just HTML-ing and CSS-ing

I have not had as many chances to build websites lately because for a little over the past 100 days, I’ve been in a …

The value of live web design

Over the years, I’ve regularly seen blog posts or articles talking about “should designers code?” (less of …

Wow, the blog is 10 years old 🥳

Since I conveniently missed my “decade of gainful employment as a web developer” post last year, I’ll make it up with a “oh …

My ideal frontend interview

I’ll be the first to admit that I think I’m terrible at tech interviews. I never had a proper computer science …

Let's inspect a phishing site

First of all, happy new year!

It’s 11 days into 2024 and I just tested positive for COVID. Unlike many people these days who …

Back from blogging hiatus? Maybe…

What is with a sudden publication of blog posts after a seemingly indefinite hiatus? I have no answer except that I do things when …

A Software Engineer's Guide to Working Across Time Zones

As a developer based in Singapore, I spend most of my time working with team members who are in time zones roughly nine to 12 …

Tunnelling services for exposing localhost to the web

My past experience with exposing a project running on my local machine to a public URL was mostly to invoke the “phone-a-friend” …

Organising Talk.CSS, consistently anyhowly

Some of you may know that I organise a little meetup called Talk.CSS, Singapore’s only CSS-centric meetup, with Chris …

1827 days working on the web

Today marks the 5-year anniversary of my first role as a developer. I wrote 2 similar check-point posts previously, one in 2015, …

So I mucked up my server last night

There are 2 kinds of people in the world, those who love the command line and those who don’t. I fall into the former …

Creating a custom sublime text colour scheme

First of all, British spelling. Now that’s out of the way, I recently created a custom colour scheme for Sublime Text, and …

Building a webic community

So this month, I met a lot of awesome people while attending my very first Mozilla All-Hands, among whom were Lin Clark and Jen …

Musings on speaking at conferences

Disclaimer, this post may contain views that may or may not piss some people off. But they are my views, based on my personal …

Reflecting on this web developer journey

I’m typing this up as I’m sitting at the airport, on my way to St Petersburg, Russia to speak at pitercss conference …

Be kinder to each other

The month of March has seen a mini-burst of hype around CSS grid, with Mozilla kicking things off by releasing Firefox 52, closely …

1239 days working on the web

Almost 2 years ago, I wrote a post called 542 days as a Drupal developer. Many more days have passed since then and I mentioned at …

Upgrading to macOS Sierra

macOS Sierra was officially released on 20 September 2016. That’s 1 week ago at time of writing. The day of the release, …

Strategies for Healthier Dev

Not too long ago, I was part of a panel at the launch event for TechLadies, an initiative that encourages women to learn to code. …

Thoughts about organising Talk.CSS

As I write this, we are on the cusp of our third Talk.CSS meet-up. Talk.CSS is Singapore’s first CSS-centric meet-up and was …

Why developers should attend conferences

I live in the tropical island nation of Singapore. For those of you who have never heard of Singapore, it’s a small island …

Switching from bash to zsh

For someone who never learned “computers” in school, I’m actually pretty fond of the command line interface. I …

542 days as a Drupal developer

I’ve just listened to the latest episode of the Modules Unraveled podcast by Bryan Lewis, which talked about The current job …

Setting a custom domain for GitHub pages

As you may know by now, this site is hosted on GitHub Pages. There is no limit to how many “sites” you can host on …