Random update for 2022

I had a conversation with my brother-from-another-mother, Zell, a couple days ago. Half catch-up and half discussion on the …

Being a bilingual developer

It’s been a while since I wrote a pure opinion post. If this is your first encounter with me, let’s just say I am a …

Talking about talking CSS 2019 edition

November 24, 2016. The day I gave my first conference talk at CSSConf.Asia.

June 3, 2017. The day I spoke at a conference outside …

DevTools as the ultimate CSS advocate

I’ve just come off the Mozilla Developer Roadshow, and it’s the third one I’ve done so far. As a Mozilla …

Let's talk about some amazing women in my life

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak on a panel during a Women of ID8 Luncheon, which was part of the larger Facebook …

The importance of representation

It’s almost coming up to 10 years since I deployed my first website onto the internet (it doesn’t exist anymore …

A thank you and love letter to CSSConf EU

One year ago, I got the opportunity to speak at CSSConf EU 2018. I had just started out speaking at events outside my home base of …

A short musing on writing systems

As I continued to work on my talk for JSHeroes (come say hi if you see me there), I couldn’t help but remember the amazing …

The value of sharing our perspectives

I just got home from DevRelCon Tokyo, which was my first DevRel conference ever. It was a really valuable experience for me to …

Organising Talk.CSS, consistently anyhowly

Some of you may know that I organise a little meetup called Talk.CSS, Singapore’s only CSS-centric meetup, with Chris …

Does your interviewee understand CSS layouts?

Recently, I was asked to review/rework a front-end coding test for potential hires. A colleague of mine suggested using HackerRank …

1827 days working on the web

Today marks the 5-year anniversary of my first role as a developer. I wrote 2 similar check-point posts previously, one in 2015, …

Talking about talking CSS 2018 edition

Last year was the first time I spoke at any event outside of Singapore, and it was quite a whirlwind experience. I absolutely …

Preserving mother tongues

Over this past weekend, I flew back to my hometown of Penang to conduct an Introduction to Web Development workshop with …

Teaching CSS grid to newcomers

I’ve had quite a start to 2018, largely due to my tendency to “say yes, worry later”, which has both served me well yet …

Building a webic community

So this month, I met a lot of awesome people while attending my very first Mozilla All-Hands, among whom were Lin Clark and Jen …

Musings on speaking at conferences

Disclaimer, this post may contain views that may or may not piss some people off. But they are my views, based on my personal …

Talking about talking CSS

This is almost a live recap of my tour of South-east Asia (and Hong Kong) this month (September 2017) and will be updated as …

Thoughts on the world and our writing systems

There was a discussion recently among the Bettes about the phrase ‘Latin-type‘ when Sahar Afshar asked the question of what would …

Rethinking web design

I’ve been thinking a lot about web design lately. Actually I’ve been thinking about web design ever since I started …

Drupal 7 versus Drupal 8

I’ve recently embarked on my first official Drupal 8 project, for Sinvict Technology (case study when the project launches), …

Reflecting on this web developer journey

I’m typing this up as I’m sitting at the airport, on my way to St Petersburg, Russia to speak at pitercss conference …

Be kinder to each other

The month of March has seen a mini-burst of hype around CSS grid, with Mozilla kicking things off by releasing Firefox 52, closely …

We need to talk about Opera Mini

Earlier this year, Jen Simmons asked the following question:

How a CSS property made me think about my identity

I was born in Malaysia, a Southeast-Asian country made up of the southern portion of the Malay Peninsula and part of the island of …

1239 days working on the web

Almost 2 years ago, I wrote a post called 542 days as a Drupal developer. Many more days have passed since then and I mentioned at …

Reminiscing the 90s and other random thoughts

So I’m fresh off the latest iteration of Hackware, a monthly meetup for hardware developers and enthusiasts in Singapore and …

Web designers, can you speak web?

To start things off, let me state my position. This house proposes that because HTML and CSS are the language of the web, it is …

Thoughts about organising Talk.CSS

As I write this, we are on the cusp of our third Talk.CSS meet-up. Talk.CSS is Singapore’s first CSS-centric meet-up and was …

Why some large-scale responsive website revamps fail

Go into any pitch or brief for a website project and I’m fairly certain the word “Responsive” will be sprinkled …

Life lessons from the sport I love

People who got to know me within the past two years may see me as that nerd who loves to code. Fellow developers may think of me …

Why developers should attend conferences

I live in the tropical island nation of Singapore. For those of you who have never heard of Singapore, it’s a small island …

Frameworks and libraries are not the problem, people are

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m definitely not the best developer around, not by a long shot. But being a web …

Web development as a profession

Coding has become the new black. Cliche as this may sound, we cannot discount the fact that in this day and age, the tech industry …

A better web design process

The web is not print.

I’m definitely not the first person to write about this. Just google that phrase and you’ll find …

542 days as a Drupal developer

I’ve just listened to the latest episode of the Modules Unraveled podcast by Bryan Lewis, which talked about The current job …